Sunday, May 16, 2010

31)#102-13. Presentations- All Racing in My Head...

This is one hectic weekend, but I still need to do my weekly update :D
The final presentations started this week. I was sitting in the middle of the classroom with my pen and paper ready, looking very journalist-like (Can you see my potential? ^^ lol jk). For those who were intimidated, I'm saying this to comfort you.. I'm a severe note-taker. Basically, I can't and won't stop taking notes! I don't want to forget anything.. I need to write a review after all and these notes really help. I recommend it to everyone. Try it.. you'll thank me later^^

Other than that Nazli, Sevda and I met in the city yesterday to prepare our presentation. In my opinion, we came up with some pretty creative ideas to include our audience during the presentation, so please look forward to it. We are still working on final details, but on monday, we'll show what we've got ;)
On another note, tomorrow is also my birthday :) I'm sorry I cannot hold it in. I'm like a kid; I still get excited for each birthday^^ Hopefully, tomorrow will rock or something awesome will happen hahaha!
Image taken from:


  1. It's so nice to see students taking notes...I wish I had 50 more like you!

    I'm very much looking forward to your presentation tomorrow. :))

  2. I'm flattered XD
    Thank you Sonja. We'll try our best tomorrow!
